Monday, March 23, 2009

The Land of Many Typhoons

Marchethest Twenty and Third, Year of the Almighty Ox in the first decade of the millennium of One and One Thousands.
I have never been to the deep pits of the ocean, and I don't mean the armpits. Those probably smell of dead fish and seaweed. No, I mean the places where the creatures of unimaginable beauty swim to and fro. But on this day, I, the Magnificent Joy of the Dawn, swam with the fishes. Only too true. For in the World of the mighty magician Disney, there are two kingdoms of water. One is made of snow and madness, but the other was so mystical it had been sealed off for many a moons. I often wondered what wonders it's walls would hold. Today, with my trusty henchman (not one of them being men...), Molly the Wise, Megan the Strong, and Amanda the Brave, (Evil Henchman Rachael the Lazy and Olivia the Peculiar went missing, pissing me off and making me want to send assassins after them, but I refrained for thought that maybe my... time of the.... cycle of moon... was effecting my thinking...) I was able to reach it's gates and penetrate it's boarders. It was a magnificent and mighty feat, worthy of great heroes as myself to accomplish. (It opened up for just one week! One freakin week!).
There was a place of awful gushing water that carried two of my henchmen and me up and down endless tunnels. I almost thought all hope was lost when cute men dressed in red came to our rescue. So, we did it again... It seemed as if they drained all our powers from us, we realized this, becoming lazy. Into the lazy river we fled, and traveled many miles, covering half the kingdom before our strength returned. It was here we discovered on magical plastic tubes that, A. Buts can be hurt, B. Spinning is fun, and C. Henchmen and leader can be happiest as families. We also learned that near free falls are painful and wedgie filled.
It was after all this the greatest of all things happened. We came upon a sharks cove, a reef filled with all the beautiful fish of the sea. And this is where i swam with the fishes (did not die). I donned magical equipment, made for one to see and breath under the top surface of the ocean, and slipped into the salty waters of the deep. No man can name all the things that lived in that magical place. Dozens upon dozens of fish from the deep reefs swam forth all around me. Ones as blue as the deepest skies, as green as the densest forest, as yellow as the brightest sun. Here there and past me they went. And then they came. Three and three, the gangs of the deep, to start a fight, and challenge me. The Sharks were one group, the Manna rays the other. Both mighty and beautiful. Just as they appeared my magic began to fail me. Not only was I surrounded on all sides, but I could no longer breath. I blew out, and inhaled the salt. I knew I had to surface. Slowly I went up wondering if the gangs would let me go, would they have pity on me, a stranger from a far world, or would they grab me and try to pull me under! (Really, all I had to do was move vertical and my head was up, but.... the deeper the better, right?) I do not know if they began to fight among themselves, or chose to ignore me altogether, but I made it, and up top I, with a struggle only a hero would be able to surpass, bound my magic to work again, and continued on my way. I only saw the mighty gangs once more, and then the magical fish of rainbows, and then, nothing. I had made it through the ocean, a wondrous magic.
I made a rondeveu with my henchmen in the land of many waves. There we splashed back and forth, tossed by waves in the deep. The water gods told us to stay. For in two and a zereeo minuets, the waves would cease, and one would come. And it did. A great and mighty wave came forth from the back of the land. It pushed us forward and crashed us forth into one another. Twice more it did this to us. The third was the best, the third was the worst. It chopped and shoved and pranced around us, till finally, we were in shallower waters. True, it was still much fun there, but the dangers were past.
And then, many days had passed, and we were called back to our own kingdom. Together we joined, and left by the gates, swearing our hearts to the memories of that watery kingdom, The Lagoon of Typhoons.

1 comment:

  1. so I really wonder what it would be like to see the world from your point of view. cause you must be seeing something different than me.
